The night run

One of my very first races two years ago was the Night Run at Nostell Priory.  The night run series is hosted by National Trust and there are races up and down the country.  I regularly check the National trust page for things to do, and so when I saw the race near me I had to sign up.

The night races are great fun.  I remember that first race like it was yesterday, running through the mud in pitch black dark, laughing most of the way round and feeling so proud to have run the 8km route.  The medal was glow in the dark and J was even given one too.  I was incredibly excited for this years run.

As with the previous year J was allowed to run with me.  He gets incredibly excited whenever I put on my running shoes and I love running with him, so any race I can take him with me I do.

Getting ready to run with J

After arriving at Nostell and collecting our race number it was then a waiting game for the race to start.  The race starts at sunset and as it began to set we made our way to the start line.  J got incredibly confused during the race warm up as we walked forwards and backwards, in a 'are we going yet?' kind of way, before we knew it we were off in the dark round Nostell.  

I love running night runs and watching all the lights from the hundreds of runners flashing through the dark.  Watching head torches and flashing arm bands go past you or ahead in the distance.  The faster front runners lights moving fast like a bike through the dark.  J captured some of the run with his GoPro

The course was different from the first year and in some ways much better.  The first time we got incredibly lost in some woods in the dark, but this year the course was much better sign posted and more volunteers so no one got lost.

Night run finish line

We were greeted at the end of the race by our parkrun family and awarded our glow in the dark medal.  I cannot wait for the next night run!

This day I love the night run

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