Running update
Since my last running update where I completed my first 10K I have been too poorly to run. After getting over a nasty virus I damaged the muscles in my chest wall. At one point it was thought it could be much more serious. Everything is painful, particularly twisting and breathing. Sneezing, hiccups and coughing are extremely painful and I at one point I was struggling to breathe normally.
The pain has started to ease up and my right side so far seems better. I am breathing normal but still struggle with a deep breath. I have a half marathon to run at the start of June and really need to get back into training. I am really missing running, which is something I never thought I would say.
I have been looking for something to cheer me up and decided that a nice colourful run should do it. Run or Dye promises to be the worlds most colourful 5k and even better given my current health state, it can be walked, run or danced.
Run or Dye looks like such a fun event and really cheered me up. The girls would love it too, and kids under 6 go free. The girls would love to paint a rainbow again, they have taken part in a colourful run before but this looks much bigger.
I am hoping to start running again next week but take things very slowly. If you fancy joining me on the worlds most colourful 5K I would love to see you there and I have a discount code for when you register, use code KISDISCOUNT. I am hoping to run at the Castle Howard event.
This day I love comments and I read everyone