
Rabbits and that gap

by - 08:27

We last visited Cornwall when my eldest was 10 months old. We were keen to come back with both girls and very excited to be visiting Coombe Mill. Fiona was one of the first people I began talking to on twitter when I started blogging and so for almost a year I feel like I have got to know both Coombe Mill and her family.

I like the drive into Cornwall, first the Motorway disappears, then the dual carriageways, and finally the road sides get higher and the road becomes narrow until it really is single track. As we drove in my eldest daughter said ' why are you taking the car into that gap Daddy?' To which we replied this is the road not a gap. My eldest looked at us confused and said ' no Daddy, it's a gap not a road', can't really argue with toddler logic.

Roads in Cornwall

We arrived in Coombe Mill after a 7 hour car journey. The girls very eager to get out and stretch their legs, and lucky for us just in time for the train ride.

Coombe Mill train

The girls were a little unsure as I think they thought I might leave, but afterwards they kept asking to get back on the train. We will return to the train later in the week. The girls however soon made themselves at home on the playground and it was great to see them play together and get some exercise especially after such a long journey.


The girls couldn't quite believe their luck the next morning. We stepped outside and got on a tractor to help Farmer Nick with the feed run. I think the girls were in awe. They held a 3 week old chicken, before helping to find the eggs the ducks and hens had laid that night. My eldest found 5, although she does need to work on the gentle place in the bucket. In her mind this interprets as throw it in the bucket as if its a nuclear device about to explode. We shall work on this as the week progresses.

on an egg hunt

They both got a little scared when the piglet started squealing, it is a rather disturbing noise. It was lovely to see the runt doing very well after reading the post on the Coombe Mill blog. The girls loved looking at all the other animals, and I was so proud of them both when they decided to touch one of the goats after initially been scared of them.

Our final stop was to let out the rabbits. I think it was at this point I lost my youngest as she proceed to chase the rabbits round. My eldest loved them too, deciding that the brown and white one was her rabbit, and as such no other child is allowed near it. It was getting to lunch/snack time for the girls so we headed back to eat our eggs we found earlier.

Stroking a rabbit

I asked the girls what they wanted to do, with which my eldest shouted 'rabbits' so off we went. The girls spent a good hour just playing with the rabbits, before we headed out for the afternoon. Sure enough when we returned they wanted to go and see the rabbits again. I have a slight feeling they are going to be asking for rabbits at home.

Favourite rabbit

This day I love rabbits and that gap.

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  1. What a lovely post and you kindly omitted to say you have managed all this while it has poured with rain! I do hand it to you and the girls for getting on and enjoying the farm despite the weather this week. Tomorrow looks great for the beach though!

  2. That is an extremely cute bunny though. I'm with your eldest.... I'd have sat all day with that bunny.


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